
Kennedi Cooper vs. Montez Hunter


Who: Kennedi Cooper

What: Concussion

When: 2015

Where: College of the Sequoias Tournament

How: “A girl set a screen on me and I ran into the girl.”

Time Missed: 2 weeks

Trainer’s Comments: “We should always follow the concussion protocol. But it depends but concussion protocol says you should sit out at least 24 hours.”


Who: Montez Hunter

What: Concussion

When: 2010

Where: Long Beach City College

How: “I was guarding a receiver and I was trailing him and when the quarterback threw the ball I went up for it and that’s all I remember.”

Time Missed: Sat out of contact drills but participated in individual drills the following the day.

Trainer’s Comments: “We should always follow the concussion protocol. But it depends but concussion protocol says you should sit out at least 24 hours.”

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